Wednesday, February 1, 2012

W Magazine LOVE

So i was jus sitting in the breakroom, chillin...then what do i see......Brad Pitt on the cover of W Magazine.
I opened it to find i loved so much more inside. Here they are.

I'm in love with Viola Davis (not just cause she has my grandmother's name) I feel like she's a force to be reckoned with. She floored me in The Help. She looked so amazing in this photo

Hey Hey!!! can you ever go wrong with George Clooney? In the words of Carrie Bradshaw (Sex n the City) "Clooney is like a Chanel suit, he never goes out of style".

Michelle Williams, my new Hollywood muse. I fell in love with her chic blond Pixie cut and i opened this and RED!!! whoo. work it Michelle she went from cute to Sexy with one wig.

Octavia jus brought across a beautiful sadness in this photo. Her eyes say so much. I can relate to it.

Mr Funny, yes casaundra, this pic 'Jus Happened!' There are not enough words to express this picture or this man. Love him.

For Leonardo, i call this Grown and Sexy. How he has evolved. I'm liking the bad boy grit

Couldn't end this with out "My Brad" lol He looks like 'Legends of the Fall' meets "James Bond" Sexy Sexy Sexy!

1 comment:

  1. That was the MOST BEAUTIFUL pic of Viola I have seen to date. I LOVE IT! I have NO WORDS about the Ferrell man, if you could only my CYBER LAUGH RIGHT NOW! I CANT BREATHE!!!!
